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Gumshoe is Missing in Austin, TX

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I’m terribly concerned with this heat for Gumshoe & I have not been able to sleep or really eat since he went MIA. I am just speechless at this point & my heart hurts it’s just too much loss for me I just don’t know how much more I can take of sleepless nights constantly searching & praying for his return. I just hate this whole thing. I’ve never lost this many pets in such a short & back to back time frame it all just makes me sick. Gumshoe is special just like the rest & Im terribly sad that I just don’t what else to say or express how deeply sad I am.


Adult Male Domestic Shorthair Orange Tabby, Golden Eyes, Not Neutered, Not Microchipped, Adopted Rescue. Very friendly & loves to be cuddled & pet & groomed. Gumshoe is a Tom Cat & since rescued has become a member of our family & like a brother to his companion cat Boots, he refuses to wear a collar & loves to be outside but equally as much inside especially in this heat. He is much like a rag doll when picked up & he has been with us for approximately one year. I would guess he is approximately 5-7 yrs old. He prefers to drink water from a faucet. He loves wet food but also will eat dry he is not picky or fickle when it comes to food at all. He has a personality much like the character Garfield although he is not actually chubby at all but rather slender. Sometimes gets blackhead on the right side of his chin for which I regular groom him for. He is overdue now for his flea treatment & I just had not yet taken him to be neutered b/c honestly it wasn’t something I considered to be a hurry or priority since he is potty trained & there was only one incident of his trying to mark his territory by spraying & is already become a mature older adult cat. He loves being held & stroked anywhere mostly & is a very sweet gentle semi brooding type cat. He was a rescue cat I adopted from San Marcos after not being able to find his original owners & theperson who found him was not in a position to adopt him & their shelter there is not a no kill shelter so I decided after meeting him & it was an immediately clear he was a very sweet loving gentle cat who just needed a home so I took him back home with me. He is missed & I wish he had not been so fast to make it out the door before I could get it shut. I had been doing my best to keep him inside with it becoming so terribly hot, but it being in his nature as a Tom Cat he just was too fast for me & bailed out the front door & scrambled off outside to the call of the wild to go see his oats I presume since it’s that season. He was coming home before night time up until he stopped doing that & I have been searching for him every day & night everywhere even surrounding neighborhoods but have not seen him nor seen any found posts anywhere that necessarily fit his description. I have not been able to sleep & I have never lost this many pets back to back like have ever so I’m taking this very hard b/c each one of my pets are precious to me & are family to us. I can’t sleep knowing he’s MIA especially in this heat & he has never not come back since I rescued him.


Austin, TX 78745


Menchaca Ln.


May 20, 2024


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