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Lola is Missing in Port Charlotte, FL

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We miss her so much we are moving soon and we are so scared she will come back and we won’t be here …. She is my daughter’s cat and she is devastated. We really want to find our sweet Lola


Grey brown and black tabby cat with lots of personality


Port Charlotte, FL 33952




May 25, 2024

Denise B.

4 weeks ago

Shared. 😔💔😿🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏


Beverly H.

4 weeks ago

Do hope he gets home safe


Lisa B.

4 weeks ago

Peachland & which crossroads ?


Patricia S.

4 weeks ago

It the missing cat is an indoor cat then it might not go that far and choose to hide in a spot closer to home. An indoor cat will only go about 300 or 500 ft away from their home. If you still do not find it try searching your home once again. Whether you have lost your cat near you or elsewhere, his reaction will be to hide immediately, especially if he does not know the environment where he has just gone astray. Or it could be in shock, pain, big fright, debutante illness disturbing him, giving him a fever, disturbing his hearing, his sight, etc... The method is simple: at nightfall call at very high and intelligible voice, every quarter of an hour or twenty minutes, for a full 5 minutes and this every half hour minimum, minimum 3 hours in total, this is a minimum call your cat 6 times per evening, more if you wish. Personally, I call every twenty minutes five minutes. Do it calmly, strongly (no worse for neighbors until 10 pm there is no fuss), from dusk to a few hours later. Call "relentlessly" every half hour minimum, each time 5 minutes and you will start each evening for ten days if necessary. In general, your cat will hear you from the "first night", but will not move, spot you the "second night", and identify where your voice comes from and will then substantially try to get closer as soon as he understands that he can rely on your voice to reorient himself and return. So he will start his long march, if he is injured, weakened, it will be difficult but he will even come back on 3 legs !!!! You will have to insist that he has confidence, he may have lost several kilos, be voiceless, in general, he is within a radius of 250 meters or 300 meters around the place where he fled, and he will hear even further, because at night the voice sounds. One must not be afraid to call him strongly by name. You can also whistle from time to time with an ultrasonic whistle. Do not go away from the starting point or if you do, you have to hail it from the outside of the search circle inwards exclusively, otherwise you will move your cat away and it is not at all the purpose. Why does it work? Simply because a cat lives in a world of smells and sounds. If it is lost or if it does not see well after a shock, or other reason, it can not find its smells, its name and gets lost, sometimes even 50 meters from home or closer and can panic and burrow in a corner, a cellar, a pile of wood, a bumper car. It works after a month of absence, as after several months or a year if the cat recognizes your voice, the whole thing is that it is repetitive, at fixed hours, at night, and lasts long enough that your cat hears you and understands that the sounds will be repeated every night. Why in the evening? Because the night brings the sounds far beyond the calm surrounding, the voice carries several hundred meters, the day the other noises will stifle the sound of your voice and it will be lost time. A gentleman from my village found his cat after 5 months of disappearance, it is currently our max record, it returned very weakened but returned. I want to finish on hope because you have to have courage, there in the night, your cat is waiting for you, it is probably not too late, even six months later, a year later, it can be fed by a neighbor, a neighbor, who does not know that it is yours, and the cat does not see very well beyond 6 meters, it does not distinguish the same colors as us and strolls in a world of relatively gray tones, odors or the fact that it is easily lost and often not far from home. If you have a little patience, a lot of love, a good voice that carries a little, not afraid to call and pitch your voice in the night, and a bit of luck, you will find your cat... This technique is very reliable and works very very well, it will cost you 5 minutes of your life every twenty minutes, a few evenings in your life, and you will find your kind companion lost in the night that must be terrorized, if you do, at least you will have tried, many people have benefited in my village, it works very well. Do not expect it the first or second night, keep going, minimum ten days.


Cheri S.

4 weeks ago

I am with Bring Ace Home - A Lesson In Faith and have helped rescue many lost pets. I am very confident he is hiding nearby. Cats are scared to death when they get out and hide as fast as they can. Sometimes they won’t come out of hiding for days or even weeks. Even if they hear their owner. Their brain is in survival mode. One cat we helped took 14 days to show up at the trap on owners front porch. First thing to do is look around outside under your’s and neighbors porches, sheds and tiny areas you think he wouldn’t even fit in, because usually they can. Put out the feeding station I refer to in #2. Then follow the tips our rescue uses to find lost cats: 1. Hang lots and lots of posters. Every stop sign and intersection in your neighborhood. Then go to major intersections. I am talking a hundred plus signs. 2. Get some cans of Mackerel. Take the juice and put it in a spray bottle and add some water. Spray it in the trees and bushes and along your home foundation. Spray it leading to a big bowl of Mackerel near the door he got out of. You may need to get a trap (Home Depot, Lowe’s, Feed Supply Store) and possibly a camera, unless you have a home security camera. Set it up near the door he got out of. Put the bowl of mackerel in the back of the trap. Spray the juice leading to the trap and into the trap. Line the bottom of the trap with your dirty towel. Change the food and towel twice a day. 3. Look under nearby sheds, decks, bushes. Cats can get in the tiniest hiding places. Ask neighbors to check garages and sheds. 4. Sit outside in the evening talking calmly. Talk and say his name like you would if he was with you. You may have to do this for several hours for several nights. It could take weeks before he shows up. Don’t go after him if you see him. Just keep talking and have him come to you. 5. Put some dirty clothes or your dirty towels outside and his bed. 6. Walk around the neighborhood to get your scent out. 7. Go out with a flashlight at night, calmly walking around looking for the glow of his eyes. Calmly talking to yourself saying his name, so he hears your voice. He is most likely hiding close by and scared. Cats usually come out at night. Don’t give up. Many people give up too soon. This could be a marathon, not a sprint. You’ll get him. 🙏🏻🐾❤️



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