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Filly is Missing in Huntington Park, CA

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We miss you Filly ! … anyone who lives near Huntington Park , if you seen him let me know . Check your garages and shacks etc . If you report him to the animal control let me know . He’s been missing since 5/27/24 . I just want him safe and home and reunited with us .


Black cat , with white patches on chest , 4 paws are white . Has no collar , and no microchip and is not a stray cat


Huntington Park, CA 90255


Huntington Park , CA


May 27, 2024

Pets H.

4 weeks ago

Please follow my advice. No litter box outside, no food outside. It will attract other animals including other cats who will keep your cat away if trying to return home. ⬇️ Have you distributed flyers- by knocking on doors to your neighbors and handing them out, and posted them on poles etc. as well even to any businesses close by? This step is crucial to recovering your cat! Speak to people in person. I cannot stress enough, the importance of knocking on doors speaking to people and handing them a “lost cat” flyer at the same time. This is how you get sightings and this is what will bring your cat home. If you get a sighting you need to set and MONITOR a humane trap at the sighting location right away and at morning dusk. *NEVER LEAVE A TRAP UNATTENDED. You can use rotisserie chicken and Friskies Whitefish and Sardines canned food as bait. Cats usually stay within a one mile radius from home. Most are found very close to home as in a few houses away or next street over. They are usually found (after getting sightings and with trapping) very close to their own home. Some come home on their own, usually in the overnight hours. Concentrate on canvassing your own neighborhood, however, in case the sighting was not of your cat. Cats don’t usually go far. They usually will try to return home between 10 PM and 5 AM with peak hours being 3-5 AM. Put a worn shirt of yours on your porch or near the door and continue to replace with a fresh one daily. Do NOT put a litter box outside. It will attract male unneutered cats who will spray property and chase your cat away if trying to return home. Some cats stay hidden for 3 weeks traveling at night. Flyers generate sightings.


Vicki J.

4 weeks ago

Hoping for safe, fast return. Mwah!


Pam P.

4 weeks ago

Good tips already mentioned. Cats usually attempt to return during the late night/early morning hours (~1a-5a). If you can leave a door or window cracked open during the night (even a garage door), it allows your kitty to return home when it’s quiet out and cats are most active. Leave the articles of unwashed clothing, shoes, pillowcase, etc outside near the opening. You can leave food out INSIDE the home to help lure him in. Never leave out a litter box, as this can attract predators/coyotes. Best wishes that he is home soon.


Pam P.

4 weeks ago

Scam Comment☝️


Donna Z.

4 weeks ago

I am so sorry to hear about your loss Cat. There’s a website that is called some thing like how to find your kitty that will give you some chips but here are some of the highlights; posters posters posters everywhere for block area. Tape them to the sides of the mailboxes of your immediate neighbors and also don’t forget behind you. Be real clear with the information on the poster date last seen place last scene. continually check the shelters, and cross reference this site to see if anyone has found a cat that fits your cats description. They have filters to make it easier. If your cat is used to being inside they will not go far if it’s an indoor outdoor cat then increase your range of looking. Put your clothes outside your house with your scent on it to help your cat find his way home. If possible and there are no other animals inside when you are home keep a window or a door ajar so if your cat does find his way back home he can get inside your house. Don’t forget to look up I want could not find my cat because he had been chased 30 feet up into a tree probably by a coyote or a dog. Go out and call for your cat at predawn hours and at sunset when they’re most active tell your neighbors to check the garage and sheds and crawlspaces volunteer to crawl into their crawlspaces if they are not blocked off. Also have them check their security camera footage as well as checking your own. You might want to invest in a trail cam and place it in a way so if he does wander back to your property but can’t get inside your house you’ll know he’s been there. If you have A cat door set it on in only so if he does come in he can’t get back out again. There’s also a company called Find My that will do Robo calls for you for a small fee and will help you put posters up. When it rains go back and put more posters up if they come down go back and put more posters up the people you live around need to know that you’re not going to give up on this cat and keep it in the front of their minds. These are just some suggestions I pray you find your baby



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